Before I get started I just want to say,
. . . Happy Birthday Big Al and Happy Birthday Jen (Phil’s sister-in-law and my good friend). I know you don’t know each other, but I am glad that you are both a part of my life.

Moments ago Phil called me. Yes, the very same Phil, who presently lives in Antarctica.
“Happy Birthday Beth.”
“Yep. It’s me, and Beth, it’s your birthday. You see, down here in the Southern Hemisphere it is already April 24th and I thought having forty-eight hours to celebrate would be much better than having twenty-four.”
“You are absolutely right about that, Phil. We have been celebrating all weekend long. In fact, we took the boys to REI yesterday afternoon to buy them new summer shoes. When they noticed the flip flops, I said, ‘let’s buy them both because, hey, it’s my birthday.’ And I even encouraged Dave to buy the goofy Panama hat. Why? Because it is my birthday. It’s that one time of year when I try not to over-analyze every detail (like purchases).”
Even though I feel slightly lame announcing that tomorrow is my birthday, I had to tell you. Why? (Hey, and, what’s wrong with a little birthday love solicitation? [wink]) But really, I had to tell you because I had to express how grateful I am that Phil took the day off from his grueling schedule as supply guy at the McMurdo base so he could call me on my “real” birthday. (He told me if he took tomorrow off, my birthday would already be over — even here and he didn’t want me to feel anxious that I was forgotten.) — And moreover, how many times can I say that someone called me from the Southern Part of our planet just to wish me a happy birthday? Pretty cool, huh?
I told Phil that I thought this all might be a dream seeing as how I am concussing today. You see, I bumped my head by running head first into a piece of steel playground equipment Friday evening while chasing Eli through the park. (Thank you to the dolly-holding, sweet, little girl who rubbed my arm and asked if I was ok while Eli ran to get Dave). My head has been pounding all weekend and today we had it confirmed. All my wild emotions (yes, even more wild than my usual wild emotions), this horrible headache, wearing my sunglasses at night, my blurred vision and slurred speech are not just in my head. Get it? In my head. Seems I have a serious concussion. (There is a better name for it, but because I have a little dain bramage right now I can’t remember it. Wait. Maybe it was a Level III Concussion . . .)
So Phil, thank you! You made my day! Better yet, you made me feel loved; something I totally need on a day when I am feeling so out of my mind.
(Brenda [my big sister] thank you for calling too. I am so glad you and your fire alarm caught the basement fire before your house burned down. We love you!)