Day Nine in York, England, Old York, That Is

Us in York, England

I think we have settled in to this here vacation. Tomorrow we fly to Ireland. Ahoy!

Last Day of Bullets in England.  We have enjoyed your quiet restraint, England. Your roadside rest stops are more than we can hope for, and your endless stream of historical sites completely blow are mind. We wish we had stayed in Brighton longer. We love the Chalk Cliffs! And like all of you keep telling me, London really is the bomb. I could have stayed there for days. Until we meet again, I will say adieu (because I know how much you love Paris!)

And now today’s bullets:

  • (It’s an all caps moment) HAPPY BIRTHDAY UNCLE PHIL!
  • Morning: Eli and I taking some space from dad and Kyle. Dave and Kyle when to a weapons museum, Eli and I had breakfast.
  • Starbucks with Eli, and never have I asked for so much ice
  • Eli and I were all ready and waiting
  • Eli has the best sense of direction and helped me find the cash machine.
  • I will be honest. I was not impressed with York at first, that is, until we made it to the Shambles.
  • As I walked away from the Ghost-Tours dude, I was scolded by a woman on the street. “He really does give the best ghost tours,” she said. Apparently I did not give the situation the proper response. Still not sure what it should have been.
  • Everyone in England prefers London
  • Settling in
  • Holding Kyle’s hand in the car
  • Clifford’s Tower and looking for the big red dog.
  • The things I cannot post online
  • I’m sitting in Clifford’s Tower high above York, England.
  • There was a disgusting bathroom in the parking lot. Pictures in The mirror made it all better.
  • Lunch at the Nook. Gin Rummy with Dave and Eli
  • Glow and the Dark shoelaces.
  • York Minster is where we turned it around and climbed to the roof.
  • When Kyle and I went to use the bathroom in York Minster we saw a Priest, who was about to conduct a service, texting. Kyle and I looked at each other and smiled. As we walked into an area where we could speak, Kyle said, “Are you thinking what I am thinking?” And I was, “A priest texting, how awesome is that?”
  • I lay on the floor of York Minster so Dave could take my picture under the sleeping priest.
  • The purple man said inappropriate thing to my sons as I took their picture. Ew!
  • Ice cream on the river.
  • The boys chasing the geese. The gees were so fat that one of them fell on it side when it tried to fly.
  • Time with Dave walking through Leeds
  • Brinda the front desk clerk who reminded me of my sister, Brenda.
  • French food for dinner in the mall attached to the hotel was actually really good.
  • Everything closes so early here, especially on Sunday.
  • Packing for Ireland was a little stressful. We had to compress five bags into four. I think we did it.
  • Kyle’s feet are touching me while I write. He is asleep and I am sitting at the foot of his bed.
  • The desk is a hilarious mass of charger chaos. Thank goodness for adaptors.