- A better day
- It’s raining
- I was up a 6:30.
- My shameless breakfast. (I can’t even remember why I thought it was shameless.)
- Americans really are louder, including me.
- People in the UK are full of quiet restraint, and are also in no hurry to say get you your food or your check. We are the rude Americans rushing through our meals, then impatiently waiting to go.
- “Swapsies” – said by Chelsea the adorable waitress at our crazy Bates Hotel. Best part of hotel were Markus (front desk) and Chelsea (waitress).
- The drive from Hailsham to Beachy Head was rainy, dark, and beautiful.
- On our way to Beachy Head here are a few of the songs I was listening to: “Sail,” by Awolnation, and “Dear God,” by XTC. And like my iPod shuffle understood the many broken hearts who had traveled to those chalk cliffs, as we drove away from Beach Head and made our way into Brighton, the Smith’s ,”Sing Me to Sleep,” came on.
- Beachy Head in the rain was crazy. Beachy Head is known by locals as a popular place to commit suicide. That is what Markus, the front desk guy told me.
- At the chalk cliffs Beachy Head, I met a man from Spain in the rain. Called Dave over to speak Spanish with him. The man told us about Spain. He told us if we ever go, what to see and where it was warm. He told us the places where people speak English the most.
- Beachy Head really was full of hope. They were serving homemade Gluten Free cake. Yes, I bought a slice and it was delicious. And the bathroom hand dryers saved the day. I used them to dry my very wet clothes.
- We loved the Beachy Head Historic site. Once we finished all we were going to do, Kyle decided he wanted to take a different hike to the top of the cliffs. I went with him and am so glad I did. Of course on the way down, the cold rain began again.
- From Beachy Head, we drove to Brighton, which reminded me of an old sea town made new. Kyle and I really like the town.
- 12:40 PM – is the rain stopping (um, no.)
- I like the white Beachy apartment structure in Brighton along the ocean drive.
- Brighton Pier
- We saw kids in their caps and gowns outside an impressive looking building as we drove into Brighton.
- Walking along Brighton Pier, I heard a woman on her cellphone. This is what she said, “Sorry I forgot what a pier was until I looked up Brighton pier.”
- My jaded children walking around the rides at Brighton pier, “why are we here?”
- They like Prince (the musician) in England. “Purple Rain” was playing at Brighton Pier, and they were playing Prince at the hamburger place in London the other night. I began to sing, “Purple Rain,” as it rained, and the boys asked me to stop just like they did when I was dancing to the other boardwalk music a few minutes before.
- We ate at a Vietnamese restaurant in Brighton called, “Pho.” Our waiter, Tom, was completely adorable and joked with me about gnomes. Car
- In the crazy traffic, we saw an accident on the side of the highway. I man’s truck was turned upside down. He was sitting on the edge with his hands on his face.
- All caps traffic!
- The Sun came out around 5:00 PM. Woot!
- For a few minutes we were in Wales. Tonight we are staying close to the border, on the English side.
- I openly and happily sucked bandwidth for my entertainment during our very long car ride.
- Ear Muffs: Here is what I was thinking about on the long car ride. I was thinking about the importance of vacation sex. People should have sex regularly on vacation. If sex is not an option, make sure you are connecting. Human connection keeps things peaceful and together. Reciprocity keeps everyone feeling good, relaxed and validated
- Cats were definitely in the cottage we are staying in.
- I need to write the stories of these days. These bullet point entries are helping me remember. What a crazy, hard, awesome trip this has been.
(Ok. So I am trying to keep my insane goal of writing everyday on this trip. So far I have. This post was a little sketchy. I promise to return and fill in the spaces a little better. Have a great day. I am going to bed now. Bed meaning a futon on the floor of the room Kyle and Eli are sleeping in. Hilarious travel fun indeed.)
Beth, these bullet points tell a perfect story.
Thanks, Kevin!
LOL re your ear muffs bullet point. And I completely agree.
And I think that unhurried service in a restaurant, while frustrating to us always-on-the-go Americans, is probably something we need more of. I need to relearn how to enjoy food and conversation, without being in the mindset of “What’s up next and when do we leave?”
More wishes for good days!
Sara, I am glad you LOL’d. I was a little worried about posting, but then again, it is what it is
I agree about the restaurant, or better, I think there is a middle ground. Perhaps we could learn from each other. Slow it down, Americans. Speed it up, British!
Thanks for the good wishes. They are always welcome! Hope life is good with you!