I am sorry for the long , nearly two week break.
I am not having an existential crisis. And YES, I really do want to blog. Blogs are awesome, right?
Unfortunately I have spent the past two weeks in a significant amount of pain. As I type, my body screams, “ouch!”
Last week when it all started, we were about to leave town and then we left town so I muscled through. Who wants to ruin Spring Break? Not me. We made it though, crazy rain and all. Finally home I actually felt a little better and thought I would be ok. Silly me for jumping the gun. By Monday evening I was panicked, in a lot of pain and thought an alien might just burst from my body. Exactly where might this alien burst from, you ask? Well, the alien felt like it was going to slice right through my right upper quadrant just under my ribcage, otherwise known as the Gallbladder Zone. I have had this pain before yet in the past the pain also passed. This time my gallbladder told me that it can no longer run on fumes. It is done!
Monday Evening I screamed, situated the kids and had Dave drive to the Salt Lake City hospital that accepts my insurance. We sped down the mountain, arrived, parked, I yelled at Gerry the Intake Nurse (in a very sweet and painful way) and was rolled into room 12. I felt foolish. In room 12 the nurse inserted the IV needle in a terrible spot (inside my elbow/the crook of my arm), I saw the doctor and I refused pain & nausea medication (you can do that and it cuts on the costs). A not-so-friendly ultrasound tech rolled me down the hall, banged the bed into the doorway and wheeled me into the room. In the room I received an ultrasound. When I asked her if she saw anything she would not answer. I understand why, but this is the first time I have dealt with such a vacant and rather obedient ultrasound tech. About two hours later I found out that it appears my gallbladder is filled with polyps, lesions and SLUDGE BALLS. Yes, that is correct, sludge balls and yes, the doctor indeed stated that the phrase, “Sludge Balls” is a medical term. Interesting.

Because I am tough and did not want to pay an even higher emergency surgery fee, I opted to meet with the surgeon the next day. Tuesday I met her and Tuesday I fell in love with her. I feel confident in her skills and am grateful that I can get this alien demon excised, or would it be “exorcised?” I am scheduled for surgery early tomorrow. I need to arrive at 6:45AM. Thanks to good friends I will drop the boys off on the way and then other friends will take the boys after school.
As it stands here at 8:43 PM MST, I have not eaten proper food in days. I am tired of juice pops, apple juice and green tea. I am grateful I can still tolerate oatmeal. I need to stop my intake at midnight and after I finish this post, I will try to binge on Sorbet and Gatorade. Good times! Cross your fingers, pray, send vibes, chant or whatever you do that my surgery is as boring and routine as gallbladder surgery should be. Please know that I am grateful!
Thank YOU!
PS. Thank you for finding CrazyUS once again. I am hoping that some day soon I can really get this show on the road. What a strange year full of fits and starts.