Late last night I finished today’s post. I asked Dave to edit it (as he always does) and by the time he finished reading I could tell something was up. When I asked, he said,
“Well, it is a good read. [insert raises hands up in a swooping motion here] I’m not sure. It just doesn’t feel complete.”
“What do you mean?”
“I wanted more. I wanted you to go deeper. I wanted to understand.”
“I know. I wanted to convey the fact that many women feel or have felt like I do, especially when it comes to holidays and gift giving, yet I did not want to out anyone else by sharing their personal issues. How do I convey both and make sense?”
“I think it is ok to mention that this topic came up while you were at dinner with a bunch of women and I think you should talk about yourself and how you deal with it.”
We talked a little more and then Dave went upstairs. In an effort improve my writing and to understand what Dave meant, I paused, thought about my post and followed him upstairs and sat right next to him. I asked him to pause the television and said, “I have been thinking. I want to get this right. I am not sure if I can. Tell me what you mean?”
“You imply that women are unsatisfied, but what does that mean? I just want to know what we men can do?”
Continue reading “Men & Women: The Great Gift Giving Divide”